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Safety IntelliPoint 两线制
Safety InliPoint 两线制概述我们的和Z通用的点液位开关用于液体、浆料、颗粒、和接口应用。随着InliPoint,只需安装传感器在你的容器和连接电源。InliPoint,具有自动测距电源,自动校准能力。的InliPoint自检功能确保系统的正常运行。一个autoverify™自检电路连续监视完整的系统来验证其功能正常。
Safety IntelliPoint 两线制的详细资料
Safety InliPoint 两线制
Safety InliPoint (Two-Wire) | ||
Safety InliPoint 两线制 |
Overview Our Best and most versatile point level switch for liquids, slurries, granulars, and interface applications. With the InliPoint, simply install the sensor in your vessel and connect the power. The InliPoint, with an Auto-Ranging power supply, automatically calibrates itself. The self-test function of the InliPoint insures proper system operation. An AutoVerify™ self check circuit continuously monitors the complete system to verify it is functioning properly. The manual Certify™ not only checks the function of the system, but also checks the AutoVerify self-test circuits to make sure that they are also working properly. All these features make the InliPoint the most versatile RF switch on the market.
Technology: 该产品由深圳市银飞电子科技有限公司提供,销售商地址位于深圳市南山区前海路振业国际商务中心1206。请您仔细阅读产品使用说明书,正确使用。 如果想试用该产品,请以下单位: